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no•e•sis (no•e´sis) n. 1 Cognition, the mental process or faculty by which knowledge is acquired. 2 That which comes to be known as through perception, reasoning, or intuition, knowledge.


Noesis Capital Management is a SEC registered investment advisor based in Boca Raton, Florida, with affiliated offices in Fremont, California and Birmingham, Alabama.  Noesis offers investment management services to individual and institutional clients worldwide. We seek superior long-term results consistent with our clients’ investment objectives and risk tolerance. Capital preservation is a priority at all times. Appropriate asset allocation, prudent investment selection and strict discipline are the foundation of our investment philosophy.

We have maintained our disciplined investment approach through periods of severe market volatility over the past several years when seemingly extreme changes in investment preferences have been widely prevalent. Our consistency in applying the principles in which we believe has earned us the respect from our clients and other investment professionals. 

Investment Philosophy

Our goal is to maximize total return on a long-term basis consistent with the investment objectives and constraints of our clients. We believe that the best way to achieve this goal is to own securities of sound, growing companies that can be purchased at attractive prices and held for the long term. This strategy is typically superior to a frequent trading oriented approach, particularly when taxation and transaction costs are taken into account.

We prefer to have our clients’ portfolios principally invested in equities, which historically have outperformed other securities over an extended period. We do recognize, however, that clients’ investment objectives vary significantly and certain portfolios require more balance with a portion of the funds allocated to bonds, cash and cash equivalents. Accordingly, we utilize individualized portfolio strategies tailored to our clients’ specific requirements and financial circumstances.

"We seek superior long term financial results consistent with our clients’ investment goals, with capital preservation a priority at all times."




© 2012 Noesis Capital Management
2700 N. Military Trail, Suite 210, Boca Raton, FL 33431
Boca Raton, FL Office Tel: (561) 999-9888 Fax: (561)994-2893
Fremont, CA Office  Tel: (510) 683-8500 Fax: (510) 683-8595
Birmingham, AL Office  Tel: (205) 263-6192/263-6193

E-mail: info@noesis-capital.com